Inlays and Onlays in Turkey

As of today, when inlays and onlays come to the fore in Turkey, a comprehensive field of study emerges. As an effective solution between crown veneer and filling, we find inlays and onlays. We can easily state that inlays and onlays offer effective solutions, especially for the support of fillings. In case the tooth structure does not have a feature to support filling, ineys and ones come into play. Thus, it is possible to implement much more successful dental applications.

What are Inlays and Onlays?

What are inlays and onlays that we come across frequently lately? Inlay and onlay fillings applied successfully in dental treatments; Fillings made of composite reinforced with fiber or ceramic are called. These fillings are applied successfully when the tooth tissue is not suitable for filling. These types of fillings, which show successful results especially in terms of aesthetic appearance, come to the fore as assertive applications in terms of patient comfort. For this reason, it is possible to state that when dental fillings come to the fore recently, these fillings attract a lot of attention.

Inlay and Onlay Material

Inlay and onlay material, which is among the new generation applications, consists of ceramic or composite material supported by fiber. The inlay and onlay material, which has a practical application ability, also has a high level of application success. It is possible to state that the filling material, which shows successful results in different dental filling applications, is often preferred. Here it is possible to state that there are some differences between both inlay and onlay.

Differences Between Inlay and Onlay

The differences between inlay and onlay, which have an assertive application feature, are mainly related to the size of the area they cover. Inlays are generally more similar to standard fillings than onlays. The inlay is located in the cusp area, especially on the surface of the teeth. Onlays have the ability to cover more tubercle areas. Here, it is possible to state that the lifetime of both of them is similar. It is possible to list the main differences between inlays and onlays as follows:

  • Similar to inlay standard filling
  • Onlay covers more area
  • Located in the inlay tubercle area
  • Inlay is mostly preferred in tooth tissue loss
  • Onlay is used for caries on the outer part of the tooth.

Both inlay and onlay are frequently preferred recently. The issue of which type of material to be used here is directly related to the details of the problem in the tooth. In addition, the degree of loss in the tooth directly affects the decision of the method and technique to be applied. Dentbul is in an ambitious position to implement such applications at a high level of quality.

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How is Inlay and Onlay Application Made?

When it comes to Inlay and Onlay applications, we come across an extremely sensitive work area. How to apply inlay and onlay, which is a frequently preferred application recently? Here are the details!

  • It is basically applied in two different sessions.
  • Sometimes the number of sessions can be up to three in such applications.
  • In the first stage of the application, the measurement is taken after cleaning the caries on the tooth.
  • After the impression is taken, the tooth is closed with a temporary filling material.
  • The measurements taken are sent to the laboratory.
  • Temporary filling is removed during the second session
  • Whichever application has been decided is rehearsed.
  • Inlay or onlay is adhered to the tooth after polishing
  • A final polish of the application is applied after the last necessary checks are made.

Inlay and onlay application is a process that requires a very meticulous work. A team of experts in this field is essential for performing such applications at a high level of quality. Dentbul is at the center of a high level of work when it comes to inlays and onlays in Turkey. Therefore, it always takes responsibility for the comprehensive implementation of dental applications.

What are the Advantages of Inlay and Onlay?

It also stands out in terms of inlay and onlay advantages, which are among the most demanded applications as of today. It is possible to list the advantages of these two applications as follows:

  • Reveals a perfect match with the teeth
  • It can be used for many years
  • Extremely low level of variability in colors
  • Provides protection of healthy tooth tissue
  • Supports the making of different applications

Prices of Inlays and Onlays in Turkey

Especially when we do a detailed research on the prices of inlays and onlays in Turkey, we come across different alternative options. Therefore, it is possible to carry out such applications in a budget-friendly way in Turkey. If you do a comprehensive research on the prices of inlays and onlays in Turkey, you can have these types of applications done in accordance with your budget. In the light of all this information, Dentbul will also be able to have inlay and onlay fillings with exactly the features you are looking for.

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